2023 New Year Wishes to Minpostel Boss : Staff Renew their Commitment

This was during the ceremony marking the presentation of New Year Wishes to the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Minette Libom Li Likeng at the esplanade of her ministerial department on Wednesday, January 18th, 2023

The staff of MINPOSTEL and institutions in the telecommunications sector pledged their unflinching support and loyalty to their boss as she pilots and champions the mission assigned her ministerial department by the Head of State President Paul Biya by shaking hands, offering gifts, bouquets coupled with wishes of a happy and prosperous new year 2023.

In reviewing last Year's activities as it is the custom, the Secretary General of Minpostel, Mr. Mohamadou Saoudi centered his presentation around four main areas: the postal sector, the telecommunications and ICT sector, the governance and institutional support and international cooperation. While waiting for the new instructions that will serve as road map for the coming year, the secretary  General said and I quote, "in the execution of the mission and tasks that are our daily concern, remains the full investment of oneself, in loyalty and probity, for the achievement of the objectives that we assign ourselves collectively. We will always remain by your side and be determined to win new victories on the many development projects in our sector. As we reaffirm our determination, accept in the name of the Great family of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT, and to your husband, Reverend Jean LIBOM LI LIKENG, as well as your whole family, without forgetting all those who are dear to you, our wishes for health and happiness and prosperity for the year 2023" end of quote.

The Minister in her speech started by appreciating the reaffirmation of the staff's commitment for the fulfilment of the ministry's mission. Looking at the challenges of the sector, the minister did not stop at enumerating last years achievements but equally defined the new orientations that will serve as guide throughout the coming year. A guide that falls in line with the objectives of the National Development Strategy (SND 30). As part of this orientation, she made mention of the seminar-workshop on Cameroon digital transformation that held earlier in the day under the theme, "meeting the challenge of digitally transforming Cameroon", which she personally presided over by moderating a series of four thematic presentations, an inaugural lesson by Prof. Victor MBARIKA, Founder of  ICT University and the presentation of PATNUC, the experimental project to accelerate digital transformation in Cameroon coordinated by Dr. Mfuh Windfred, Technical Adviser N° 2 in Minpostel.

On the account of the 2023 financial year, the Minister announced and I quote, "MINPOSTEL's performance project will focus on the execution of several projects included in our three operational programs namely: the densification of the network and the improvement of national postal coverage, the development of the national digital ecosystem and securing the national digital ecosystem." She therefore urged her staff to redouble their efforts and self-sacrifice to meet the expectations placed on the sector. The Minister went further to promise the improvent of working conditions particularly those of newly recruited staff who have been working without pay of the mobilization of financial resources for the finalization of their decision. The Minister ended by wishing her personnel good health, happiness and success for the new year.

The event was graced by the award of medals to 7 meritorious laureates amongst which the General Manager of Cameroon Telecommunications Mme YAH SUNDAY Judith epse ACHIDI ACHU and Mr. KOUKOLO KOUKOLO  Germain, Director of General Affairs in MINPOSTEL.