The ICT Camps, ended on the 20th August at Government Bilingual High School Lolodorf, regroup eight hundred and two youths (802) within the age range of 10-18 years during 5 days.
Ils ont été initiés à l’usage des TIC et ont été appelés à en faire une utilisation responsable, empreinte de patriotisme.
Samedi 20 août 2022, le stade du lycée bilingue de Lolodorf grouillait de monde. Raison principale de cette affluence, la tenue de la cérémonie de clôture de la 6ème édition des Camps de vacances TIC,
While the ICT Holiday Camps are organised with specific and set objectives to attain by the end of 5 days, participants like parents equally have their expectations and fears that are slowly but surely met and resolved across meticulously selected activities.
Lire la suite : ICT Holiday Camps 2022 - Lolodorf : Lucrative activities at the ICT camps gradually meet...
La République du Cameroun a placé le numérique parmi les axes prioritaires de la Stratégie Nationale de Développement (SND2020-2030), pour la transformation structurelle et le développement inclusif. Ces technologies doivent constituer un véritable levier de croissance et de création de richesses pour le Gouvernement ainsi que pour les citoyens.
The newly appointed Sub-Divisional Officer of Lolodorf, Mr GABANA ADJIA Thomas, in the evening hours of Wednesday 17th August, 2022, paid a visit to the two sites hosting the participants of the ICT Holiday Camps 2022, in Lolodord, South Region of Cameroon.
Lire la suite : ICT Holiday Camps 2022 - Lolodorf : Sub-Divisional Officer gets acquainted with the camp's...
The reception of registered youths to assist in the 2022 ICT Holiday Camps kicked started this Tuesday 16th August, 2022. Young people trooped in from neighbouring villages of Lolodorf sub-division in the South Region of Cameroon early this morning to get installed and begin activities.
Lire la suite : ICT Holiday Camps 2022 - Lolodorf : Over 850 young people registered