
By ministerial decree N ° 0012 / MPT / IPS of May 06, 2013, modified and completed by the decrees N ° .... and N ° .... Appointing an inspector-general responsible for technical issues and service inspectors at MINPOSTEL, the persons designated below are appointed members of the ministerial anti-corruption unit :

The President of the Anti-Corruption Unit

  • NDONGO Paul-Petit

Representatives of the Administration

  • NSONGAN ETUNG Joseph ;
  • BITOMA Parfait Richard ;
  • Mme BIKAY MUTLEN Pauline Catherine
  • NYANGONO Emmanuel

Representatives of Civil Society

  • ELOM ATCHAM Béatrice ;
  • MAMBINGO NTONE Marcel Didier ;
  • NKWETI Roland TICHA.