Presentation of the Pan-African Online Services Project

•    African Union
•    Government of India
•    Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
•    Ministry of Higher Education
•    Ministry of External Relations
•    Ministry of Public Health
•    University of Yaoundé 1, website of the Regional Virtual University
•    National Advanced School of Engineering,  website of the National Virtual University located at the National Advanced School of Engineering
•     Yaounde University Health Centre, e-medicine website

16 septembre 2004 : 16 September 2004 : The President of India, Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, hereby announces the intention of his country to interconnect with the 53 Member Countries of the African Union via a satellite and optical fibre telecommunication network.  This announcement was made during the opening session of the Pan African Parliament in Johannesburg (South Africa). Immediately after, the Indian Government submitted to the African Union Commission, a proposal for the creation of this network.   The latter signed a Framework Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of Member States of the AU with the Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL), representative of the Indian Government, within the framework of the implementation of the project known as the “Pan African e-Network”.

July 2006 : The Conference of Posts and Telecommunications of Central African (COPTAC) has chosen Cameroon to host the Regional Centre for Distance Education of the Pan African e-Network.  The University of Yaoundé I was chosen to host this Centre.
03 September 2007: on the instructions of the Head of State, the Minister of State, Minister of External Relations, Jean Marie ATANGANA MEBARA, signed the country Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon.  
From 21 to 24 November 2008: The first Indian team made up of two (02) Engineers sojourned in Yaoundé for surveys (location) of selected sites in Cameroon.  These include the Campus of the University of Yaoundé I for the Regional Virtual University, the National Advanced School of Engineering (ENSP) of Yaoundé for the National Virtual University, the Yaoundé University Health Centre for e-medicine and the Ministry of External Relations for diplomatic communications.
12 February 2009: To further highlight the effective involvement of Cameroon in the project, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MINPOSTEL) has set up a Group of Inter-ministerial Experts.
30 April 2009: Beginning of the installation of VSAT antennas (antenna that receive satellite signals) with the arrival of the Indian Engineer.   It is worth recalling that India has decided to support the implementation cost of the network and the related charges as well as its maintenance for five years at an amount of CFA one billion four hundred million (1,400,000,000) francs.
09 June 2009: The Secretaries General of the Ministries involved in the project (MINREX, MINPOSTEL, MINSANTE, and MINESUP) visited the project in order to make a progress report of the works.  The Honorary Consul of India in Cameroon honoured this visit with his presence.
August 2009 : To ease the effective ownership of the project by participating countries and their understanding of all the technical and managerial aspects of the Pan African network, the TCIL Company, the Project Executing Agency, in collaboration with the African Union (AU), organised an International Seminar in New Delhi, India.
Between 22 February and 03 April 2010:  A data collection mission for a study of the network extension throughout the national territory was carried out in some African countries.
From 08 to 19 May 2010: A sensitisation mission to States of the Central African sub region was carried out in the following countries:  Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Gabon and Central African Republic.
22 June 2010: In e-medicine, the e-medicine Centre of the CHUY has successfully carried out its first teleconsultation session on a heart patient by Professor Maurice NKAM of the CHUY and Doctor Pavan Kumar, cardiologist in the Nanavati Super Speciality hospital in Mumbai, India.
29 June 2010: In distance education, a call for applications in Master Degree in Information Technology of the University of Madras in India was launched on 30 April 2010. The Jury met on 29 June 2010 and published a list of 60 selected candidates and 10 others on the waiting list to attend the said courses.
Progress level: The establishment of a Pan African e-Network is underway.  As a result several training sessions in medicine and distance education were recorded, and several training programmes opened at the Sub regional Virtual University of Yaoundé, in partnership with Indian universities.  E-medicine activities, namely medical training, had begun on the e-medicine website of the Yaoundé University Health Centre in collaboration with 13 Indian and African Super Speciality Hospitals.  981 sessions of continuous training on various themes took place by video-conferencing on the CHUY website with the participation of 806 physicians and medical students.  This distance education started in the University of Yaoundé I (Virtual University).