of a community to enable her to communicate at an affordable price.
Today, it is presented in all countries of the world which have experienced it as a solution to be implemented in rural areas in order to fight poverty efficiently, connect the populations of these areas to the global world and reduce the digital divide that separates urban and rural areas. A Community Telecentre must meet two main criteria namely:
- be accessible to the entire community without any discrimination;
- Provide access to telecommunications, IT, audio-visual and Internet services at affordable cost.
Unlike traditional rural telephony, the Telecentre provides a shared access and offers a wide range of services such as Internet, e-mail, software downloads, scanning, word processing, document printing, web page hosting, telephone / Fax, photocopy, training, maintenance, television and community radio (see diagram).
This infrastructure can be an aid to all development activities and projects of the relevant zone. The Telecentre can also be used to provide other community services such as postal services, the Saving Bank, money transfer services, telemedicine and distance learning.
2 - Services offered by a Multipurpose Community Telecentre