Under the authority of a Director, the Department of Postal Infrastructure, Equipment and Networks shall be responsible for: − Formulating and examining incentive measures aiming at encouraging and fostering the participation of the private sector in the development of postal infrastructure and equipment, within a competitive environment; − Developing national standards for postal infrastructure, equipment and networks, in conjunction with Administrations and Institutions concerned; − Harmonizing standards for the interoperability and interconnection of postal networks; − Examining homologation files of postal networks interoperability and interconnection partnerships; − Popularizing postal infrastructure and equipment standards; − Defining identification codes of postal networks; − Following up and assessing the implementation of technical partnerships in the postal domain; − Popularizing postal buildings and networks standards; − Coding and addressing in the postal domain, in conjunction with the Administrations concerned; − Ensuring the strategic watch of postal technologies and engineering; − Fixing general objectives for the development of infrastructure and networks; − Participating to the formulation and implementation of the Government policy in the postal sector; − Identifying and formulating national infrastructure programs and projects, in conjunction with the sector operators; − Implementing national infrastructure programs and projects; − Developing, implementing and assessing the sector strategy of posts, in conjunction with operators and partners to the sector development; − Developing and following up the implementation of the master plan for the development of national postal infrastructure, in conjunction with the sector operators; − Identifying, studying and implementing measures aiming at promoting a harmonious and coherent development of national infrastructure; − Following up the access to networks opened to the public; − Following up the implementation of interconnection modalities of postal networks and provision conditions of postal services; − Ensuring economic and social studies in the domain of posts.
It shall comprise: − The Sub-Department of Postal Infrastructure and Equipment; − The Sub-Department of Postal Networks; − The Sub-Department of Postal Planning and Development.
Mme MUTLEN Pauline sp BIKAY
Director (DIER)