Under the authority of a Director, the Department of General Affairs shall be responsible for: -Implementing Government’s policy as far as the management of the Ministry’s human resources are concerned; - implementing the Government policy in the domain of training the Ministry’s staff; - recruiting subordinate staff;
- coordinating the development of a training plan for internal staff;
- Following up the improvement of working conditions; - Preparing internal staff management instruments; -Preparing the transfer of staff within the Ministry;

-Examining the disciplinary files of internal staff; - Applying the legal and regulatory texts related to the expenditure of the Ministry’s personnel;

- Preparing elements of the salary of the Ministry’s staff and it accessories; -the Ministry’s working personnel; -computerizing and validating salary for recruitment, promotion, appointment, grade promotion and wage progression;

-laying down and validating the salary for various compensations and allowances; -computerizing and validating family allowance benefits;

-updating payroll master file; -drafting, liquidating and signing Concession instruments for the rights to pension and life annuity after visa by of competent authorities;

-drafting, liquidating and signing of instruments granting compensation pensions of occupational diseases after visa by competent authorities; -Updating the card index of internal staff; - Drafting, executing and monitoring the Ministry budget;

- preparing tender files and following up the execution of Public Contracts within the Ministry;

-controlling the respect of procedures for the award of contracts;

- managing file and statistics on public contracts; - keeping public contracts documents;
- following up proper conduct of works and service provisions;

- managing and maintaining the Ministry’s movable and immovable property.

It shall comprise:

- The SIGIPES Management Unit;

- The Sub-Department of Personnel, Salary and Pensions;

- The Sub-Department of Budget, Equipment and Maintenance.




Director (DAG)