Anti-corruption Unit

"Kick corruption out of the P&T milieu"

Corruption occupies a prominent place among the scourges that  plague our economy today.  To a point where it is becoming the favourite game of some Cameroonians who occupy positions which at times they do not merit.  Unfortunately, the postal and telecommunication sector has not been spared.

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has set up a Unit for the Fight against Corruption, which aims to curb, if not reduce, this phenomenon.  Through this fight, the Anti-Corruption Unit aims to restore rigour and moralization in the management of the sector, the protection of integrity and transparency thus contributing to the promotion of good governance advocated by the Government under patronage of the President of the Republic, H.E.  Paul Biya.

This fighting involves raising awareness among civil servants and service users about the harmful effects of corruption, but also and above all by sanctioning.  Any P & T officer who solicits, approves or receives offers, promises, gifts or presents for himself or for a third party to do, abstain from or delay any act of his office, or who receives any contribution reward for an act performed or a past abstention.

To this end, a legal arsenal has been put in place to suppress corruption, an arsenal reinforced by the ratification of the United Nations convention against this scourge thus bringing our country to the rest of the world.

The Anti-Corruption Unit cannot be in this struggle alone, because it is a matter that concerns all.

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