Hardware such as laptops and mobile telephones are getting low-priced by the day but what is getting exorbitant and definitely priceless is our data which could be photo, video, document, email or memory.
Difficile de situer sa création dans l’espace et dans le temps. L’on hésite entre 2008 et 2011, toujours est-il que la journée mondiale de la sauvegarde des données informatiques est célébrée tous les 31 mars de l’année.
Le Minpostel invite à la multiplication des supports de sauvegardes
Célébrée tous les 31 mars de l’année, la journée mondiale de la sauvegarde des données informatiques a été l’occasion pour le ministère camerounais, des Postes et Télécommunications (Minpostel),
The second day of the Minister of P&T working visit was devoted to a rich and constructive exchange with the primary and higher education students of the capital city of the Littoral region.
The Governor of the Littoral Region represented by his Inspector General had the privilege to host a two (2) days working visit from Thursday 17th to Friday 18th December 2020
How can we properly manage the use of radio frequencies?
The minister of Posts and Telecommunications in the occasion of the closing ceremony of a two days seminar that held from the 14th to the 16th of October 2020